Preprocessor Directives in C

C is a popular programming language that has been around for several decades. One of the key features of C is the ability to use preprocessor directives. These directives are used to provide instructions to the C compiler before the compilation process begins. In this article, we will discuss all preprocessor directives in C with examples.

List of Preprocessor Directives in C

  1. #include
  2. #define
  3. #undef
  4. #ifdef and #ifndef
  5. #if, #elif and #else
  6. #error
  7. #warning
  8. #pragma
  9. #line
  10. #region and #endregion


The #include directive is used to include a header file in the program. A header file contains the declarations of functions, constants, and other data types that are required in the program. For example:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

In the above example (e.g.), we have included the “stdio.h” header file which contains the declaration of the “printf” function.


The #define directive is used to define a macro. A macro is a small piece of code that can be expanded to a larger code block. For example:

#define PI 3.14159
int main() {
float radius = 5;
float area = PI * radius * radius;
printf("Area of circle is %f", area);
return 0;

In the above example (e.g.), we have defined a macro PI with the value 3.14159. We have then used this macro to calculate the area of a circle.


The #undef directive is used to undefine a macro that was previously defined using the #define directive. For example:

#define PI 3.14159
#undef PI
int main() {
float radius = 5;
float area = PI * radius * radius;
printf("Area of circle is %f", area);
return 0;

In the above example (e.g.), we have first defined a macro PI with the value 3.14159. We have then undefined the macro using the #undef directive. Finally, we have used the undefined macro to calculate the area of a circle which will result in a compilation error.

#ifdef and #ifndef

The #ifdef and #ifndef directives are used to conditionally include code in the program. The #ifdef directive checks if a macro is defined and includes the code if it is defined. The #ifndef directive checks if a macro is not defined and includes the code if it is not defined. For example:

#ifdef PI
printf("PI is defined");
printf("PI is not defined");

In the above example (e.g.), we have checked if the macro PI is defined using the #ifdef directive. If the macro is defined, the message “PI is defined” will be printed. If the macro is not defined, the message “PI is not defined” will be printed.

#if, #elif and #else

The #if, #elif, and #else directives are used to conditionally include code in the program based on a condition. The #if directive checks a condition and includes the code if the condition is true. The #elif directive checks another condition if the previous condition is false. The #else directive includes code if all previous conditions are false. For example:

#if PI > 3
printf("PI is greater than 3");
#elif PI < 3
printf("PI is less than 3");
printf("PI is equal to 3");

In the above example (e.g.), we have checked if the value of the macro PI is greater than 3 using the #if directive. If the condition is true, the message “PI is greater than 3” will be printed. When the condition is false, the next condition will be checked using the #elif directive. If all conditions are false, the message “PI is equal to 3” will be printed using #else directive.


The #error directive is used to generate a compile-time error message. It is used when a specific condition is not met in the program. For example:

#ifndef PI
#error "PI is not defined"

In the above example (e.g.), we have used the #ifndef directive to check if the macro PI is not defined. If the condition is true, the #error directive will generate a compile-time error message “PI is not defined”.


The #warning directive is used to generate a compile-time warning message. It is used when a specific condition is not met in the program, but it is not severe enough to generate an error message. For example:

#ifndef PI
#warning "PI is not defined"

In the above example (e.g.), we have used the #ifndef directive to check if the macro PI is not defined. If the condition is true, the #warning directive will generate a compile-time warning message “PI is not defined”.


The #pragma directive is used to provide additional information to the compiler. It is used to control the behavior of the compiler or to provide additional information about the program. For example:

#pragma pack(1)
struct myStruct {
int a;
char b;
double c;

In the above example (e.g.), we have used the #pragma directive to set the alignment of the struct to 1 byte using the pack directive. This will ensure that the struct is packed tightly without any padding bytes.


The #line directive is used to set the line number and filename of the next line of code. It is used to modify the line number and filename information that is generated by the compiler. For example:

#line 10 "myFile.c"
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;

In the above example (e.g.), we have used the #line directive to set the line number to 10 and the filename to “myFile.c”. This will cause the compiler to generate an error or warning message with the specified line number and filename.

The #line directive can also be used to reset the line number and filename to their default values:

#line default

This will reset the line number and filename to their default values for the rest of the program.

#region and #endregion

The #region and #endregion directives are not part of the standard C language but are extensions supported by some compilers, such as Microsoft Visual Studio. These directives are used to define a collapsible code region in the source code. They can be used to organize and manage large code files.

The #region directive begins a collapsible code block, and the #endregion directive ends the block. For example:

#region My Region
// code goes here
// ...

In the above example (e.g.), we have defined a collapsible code block with the name “My Region”. The code within this block can be collapsed or expanded in the code editor by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign next to the code block.

These directives are purely for organization and do not affect the execution of the program. They are only useful in an IDE that supports them.

Conclusion on Preprocessor Directives in C

In this article, we have discussed all preprocessor directives in C with examples. Preprocessor directives are a powerful tool that allows developers to write more efficient and maintainable code. By using these directives effectively, developers can include header files, define macros, conditionally include code, generate error and warning messages, provide additional information to the compiler, modify the line number and filename information, and undefine previously defined macros. Understanding preprocessor directives is essential for any C programmer.

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