Array in C

An array in C language is a data structure that stores a collection of elements of the same type in contiguous memory locations. In C programming language, an array is a collection of variables of the same data type.

What is an Array in C?

In C, an array is declared using ‘square brackets []’ after the variable name. The number inside the square brackets specifies the size of the array. The following is an example of declaring an array in C:

int numbers[5];

In the above example, we declared an array called ‘numbersof size ‘5‘. This means that the array can store 5 integers.

Accessing Elements in an Array:

To access an element in an array, you use the name of the array followed by the index of the element in square brackets. For example:

numbers[0] = 1;

The above code assigns the value 1 to the first element in the array ‘numbers‘.

Initializing an Array:

An array can be initialized at the time of declaration. For example:

int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

The above code initializes the ‘numbersarray with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Multi-Dimensional Array in C:

C allows you to create multi-dimensional arrays. A two-dimensional array is an array of arrays. To declare a two-dimensional array, you use two sets of square brackets. For example:

int matrix[3][3];

The above code declares a two-dimensional array called ‘matrixwith 3 rows and 3 columns.

Accessing Elements in a Multi-Dimensional Array:

To access an element in a two-dimensional array, you use the name of the array followed by the indices of the element in square brackets. For example:

matrix[0][0] = 1;

The above code assigns the value 1 to the element in the first row and first column of the ‘matrixarray.

Initializing a Multi-Dimensional Array:

A multi-dimensional array can be initialized at the time of declaration. For example:

int matrix[3][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};

The above code initializes the ‘matrix‘ array with the values 1, 2, 3 in the first row, 4, 5, 6 in the second row, and 7, 8, 9 in the third row.

Common Array Operations in C:

Several common operations can be performed on arrays in C:

Finding the size of an array in C:

You can find the size of an array using the ‘sizeof‘ operator. For example:

int size = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]);

The above code calculates the size of the ‘numbers‘ array by dividing the size of the array by the size of the first element.

Sorting an array:

You can sort an array using the ‘qsort‘ function from the ‘stdlib.h‘ library. For example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int compare(const void* a, const void* b) {
    int int_a = * ( (int*) a );
    int int_b = * ( (int*) b );

    if ( int_a == int_b ) return 0;
    else if ( int_a < int_b ) return -1;
    else return 1;

int main() {
    int numbers[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
    int size = sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]);

    qsort(numbers, size, sizeof(int), compare);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     printf("%d ", numbers[i]);
    return 0;

The above code sorts the `numbers` array using the `qsort` function and prints the sorted array.

Finding the maximum and minimum values in an array:

You can find the maximum and minimum values in an array using a loop. For example:

int max = numbers[0];
int min = numbers[0];

for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    if (numbers[i] > max) {
        max = numbers[i];

    if (numbers[i] < min) {
        min = numbers[i];

printf("Maximum value: %d\n", max);
printf("Minimum value: %d\n", min);

The above code finds the maximum and minimum values in the ‘numbers‘ array using a loop and prints the results.

Copying an array in C:

You can copy an array to another array using a loop. For example:

int numbers1[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int numbers2[5];

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    numbers2[i] = numbers1[i];

The above code copies the ‘numbers1‘ array to the ‘numbers2‘ array.

Searching for an element in an array in C:

You can search for an element in an array using a loop. For example:

int search = 3;
int found = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    if (numbers[i] == search) {
        found = 1;

if (found == 1) {
    printf("Element found\n");
} else {
    printf("Element not found\n");

The above code searches for the element ‘3‘ in the ‘numbers‘ array using a loop and prints whether the element was found or not.

Arrays are an important data structure in computer programming, and C provides a powerful set of tools for working with arrays. With the ability to declare, initialize, and manipulate one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, C programmers have a versatile and flexible tool at their disposal. By understanding the basics of arrays in C, you can take advantage of their power and use them to solve a wide range of programming problems.

Merge Two Arrays in C

Merging two arrays in C involves combining the elements of two arrays into a single array. Here is an example of how to merge two arrays in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int arr1[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};
    int arr2[4] = {2, 4, 6, 8};
    int size1 = 5, size2 = 4;
    int mergedArr[9];
    int i, j, k;

    // Merge the two arrays
    i = 0;
    j = 0;
    k = 0;
    while (i < size1 && j < size2) {
        if (arr1[i] <= arr2[j]) {
            mergedArr[k] = arr1[i];
        } else {
            mergedArr[k] = arr2[j];

    // Copy the remaining elements of arr1, if any
    while (i < size1) {
        mergedArr[k] = arr1[i];

    // Copy the remaining elements of arr2, if any
    while (j < size2) {
        mergedArr[k] = arr2[j];

    // Print the merged array
    printf("Merged array: ");
    for (i = 0; i < size1 + size2; i++) {
        printf("%d ", mergedArr[i]);

    return 0;

In the above example, we have two arrays ‘arr1‘ and ‘arr2‘, which we want to merge into a single array ‘mergedArr‘. We declare the size of each array using 'size1‘ and ‘size2‘, respectively. We then initialize the ‘mergedArr‘ array to be the size of the combined sizes of ‘arr1‘ and ‘arr2‘.

Next, we loop through each element of ‘arr1‘ and ‘arr2‘ and compare them. If the element in ‘arr1‘ is less than or equal to the element in ‘arr2‘, we add it to the ‘mergedArr‘ array and increment the index for ‘arr1‘. Otherwise, we add the element from 'arr2' to ‘mergedArr‘ and increment the index for ‘arr2‘. We continue this process until we have compared all the elements in both arrays.

After we have compared all the elements, we may still have some remaining elements in either ‘arr1‘ or ‘arr2‘. We loop through these remaining elements and add them to ‘mergedArr‘. Finally, we print the contents of the ‘mergedArr‘ array.

Note that in this example, we assume that both ‘arr1‘ and ‘arr2' are sorted in ascending order. If the arrays are not sorted, the above merging algorithm may not work correctly.

Categories C

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