C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal

Converting a decimal number to its octal equivalent is a fundamental concept in computer science. This process is especially useful for systems requiring octal representation, such as UNIX file permissions. In this article, we will explore three distinct methods to implement a C program to convert Decimal to Octal, providing detailed explanations, code examples, and outputs. You can also refer to our complete guide to learn how to convert Octal to Decimal, Decimal to Hexadecimal & Hexadecimal to Decimal.

C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal: A Complete Guide

Understanding Decimal and Octal Systems

  • Decimal System: The standard numbering system with a base of 10, using digits 0-9.
  • Octal System: A numbering system with a base of 8, using digits 0-7.

Converting a decimal number to an octal involves dividing the number by 8 and noting the rem

Method 1) C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal Using Division and Modulus

This is the most straightforward way to convert a Decimal to Octal in C. It involves repeated division by 8, storing the remainders, and reversing the order.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>

void decimalToOctal(int decimal) {
    int octal[50], index = 0;

    // Generate octal digits
    while (decimal > 0) {
        octal[index++] = decimal % 8;
        decimal /= 8;

    // Print the octal number
    printf("Octal equivalent: ");
    for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        printf("%d", octal[i]);

int main() {
    int decimal;
    printf("Enter a decimal number: ");
    scanf("%d", &decimal);

    if (decimal == 0) {
        printf("Octal equivalent: 0\n");
    } else {

    return 0;


  1. Division and Remainders: Divide the number by 8 repeatedly and store the remainders in an array.
  2. Reversal: Print the array backward to display the remainders in the correct order.


For input 78, the output is:

Enter a decimal number: 78  
Octal equivalent: 116  

Method 2) C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal Using Recursion

A recursive function can make the conversion cleaner and more intuitive by breaking the problem into smaller subproblems.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>

void decimalToOctalRecursive(int decimal) {
    if (decimal == 0) {

    // Recursive call
    decimalToOctalRecursive(decimal / 8);
    printf("%d", decimal % 8);

int main() {
    int decimal;
    printf("Enter a decimal number: ");
    scanf("%d", &decimal);

    printf("Octal equivalent: ");
    if (decimal == 0) {
    } else {

    return 0;


  1. Recursive Breakdown: Each recursive call divides the number by 8, handling a smaller portion of the problem until reaching the base case.
  2. Base Case: The recursion ends when the decimal number becomes 0.
  3. Unwinding the Stack: As the recursion unwinds, the remainders are in the correct order.


For input 123, the output is:

Enter a decimal number: 123  
Octal equivalent: 173  

Method 3) C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal Using sprintf for Conversion

The sprintf function is a built-in way to format numbers and can be used to convert a decimal number to its octal representation quickly.

Code Example

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int decimal;
    char octal[50];

    printf("Enter a decimal number: ");
    scanf("%d", &decimal);

    // Convert decimal to octal using sprintf
    sprintf(octal, "%o", decimal);

    printf("Octal equivalent: %s\n", octal);

    return 0;


  1. Using %o: The %o format specifier in sprintf automatically converts a decimal number to an octal string.
  2. Efficiency: This method avoids manual calculations, making it a quick and reliable choice.


For input 45, the output is:

Enter a decimal number: 45  
Octal equivalent: 55  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the octal number system?

It is a base-8 number system using digits 0–7.

Why is octal used in programming?

Programmers use octal to simplify binary representation because each octal digit corresponds to three binary digits.

Can negative numbers be converted to octal?

Yes, but they are usually in two’s complement form.

Which method is most efficient for conversion?

Using sprintf is the fastest for most scenarios.

What happens when input is 0?

The octal equivalent is also 0.

Can floating-point numbers be converted to octal?

You need additional logic to handle fractional parts.

What are common applications of octal conversion?

File permissions in UNIX systems and compact binary representations.

How do I handle large decimal numbers?

Use arrays or strings to store the octal digits.

What is the significance of the %o specifier?

It is a format specifier in C for octal conversion.

Can recursion be used for real-time systems?

Recursion may not be ideal for memory-constrained systems due to stack usage.

Categories C

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