Compilation Process in C

The compilation process in C involves several steps, including preprocessing, compilation, assembly, linking, optimization, and debugging. During preprocessing, the preprocessor replaces macros and includes header files. At the time of compilation, the compiler generates assembly code from the source code. During assembly, the assembler converts the assembly code to object code. At the time of linking, the linker combines one or more object files to generate an executable file. During optimization, the compiler analyzes the code and makes changes to improve performance or reduce size. Finally, during debugging, the programmer uses a debugger to identify and fix errors in the program. Understanding the compilation process can help programmers write efficient and error-free code.

Program Compilation Process in C

Here is a table that summarizes the various steps involved in the Compilation process in the C program:

1.PreprocessingC source codePreprocessed code
2.CompilationPreprocessed codeAssembly code
3.AssemblyAssembly codeObject code
4.LinkingObject code and librariesExecutable code
5.OptimizationExecutable codeOptimized executable code
6.DebuggingOptimized executable codeDebugged executable code

The details about each of the steps involved in the Compilation process in the C program:


During preprocessing, the preprocessor reads the source code and performs the following operations:

  • Expands macros: Macros are defined using the #define directive, and they allow you to define a shorthand notation for a block of code. During preprocessing, the preprocessor replaces every instance of the macro with its corresponding code.
  • Includes header files: Header files contain declarations for functions and variables that are defined in other source files or libraries. During preprocessing, the preprocessor reads the header file and inserts the declarations into the source code.
  • Removes comments: The preprocessor also removes any comments from the source code.
  • Conditionally compiles code: The preprocessor can also conditionally compile code based on certain conditions using the #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and #endif directives.


Consider the following code with a macro definition:

#define PI 3.14

int main() {
    double radius = 5.0;
    double area = PI * radius * radius;
    return 0;

During preprocessing, the preprocessor will replace every occurrence of PI with 3.14.


During compilation, the compiler takes the preprocessed code and converts it into assembly language. The assembly language is a low-level language that is specific to the target machine architecture.

The compiler performs the following operations:

  • Lexical analysis: The compiler reads the source code and breaks it down into a sequence of tokens, such as keywords, identifiers, operators, and literals.
  • Syntax analysis: The compiler then checks the sequence of tokens against the syntax rules of the C language to ensure that it is well-formed.
  • Semantic analysis: The compiler checks the types of variables and expressions used in the program to ensure that they are compatible.
  • Code generation: Finally, the compiler generates assembly code that is equivalent to the original C program.


The following is an example of assembly code generated from the C code:

        .globl main
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        subl    $16, %esp
        fldl    8(%ebp)
        fldl    8(%ebp)
        fstpl   -8(%ebp)
        movl    $0, %eax


During assembly, the assembler takes the assembly language code generated by the compiler and converts it into machine code that can be executed by the computer.

The assembler performs the following operations:

  • Reads the assembly language code generated by the compiler.
  • Converts each assembly language instruction into its corresponding machine code instruction.
  • Generates an object file containing the machine code instructions.


The following is an example of machine code generated by the assembler:

55                push   %ebp
89 e5             mov    %esp,%ebp
83 ec 10          sub    $0x10,%esp
db 3d 48 2e 0f 00 fldpi
f2 0f 10 45 08    movsd  0x8(%ebp),%xmm0
f2 0f 59 05 48 2e fmulp  0x2e48(%rip)
0f 28 45 08       movaps %xmm0,0x8(%ebp)
c7 45 fc 00 00 00 movl   $0x0,-0x4(%ebp)
c9                leave
c3                ret


The linker combines one or more object files generated by the assembler into a single executable file that can run on the target machine.

The linker performs the following operations:

  • Resolves external references: The linker locates the address of a function when a C program calls a function defined in another source file or library, resolving the reference.
  • Allocates memory: The linker allocates memory for the program’s code, data, and stack.
  • Resolves relocations: The linker updates any references to memory addresses that are unknown at compile-time, such as function pointers and global variables.


Consider a program that uses the printf() function from the standard C library. During linking, the linker will link the object file generated by the compiler with the object file for the printf() function from the standard C library to produce an executable file.


Finally, the executable file can be run on the target machine, and the program’s instructions are executed by the computer’s processor.


Consider the following C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, world!\n");
    return 0;

When compiled and linked, this program will produce an executable file that, when run, will output the message “Hello, world!” to the console.


During optimization, the compiler analyzes the code generated by the preprocessor and makes changes to improve its performance or reduce its size.

The optimization process involves:

  • Identifying and removing unused code: The compiler can remove code that is never executed, such as unused functions or unreachable statements.
  • Simplifying expressions: The compiler can simplify expressions by performing algebraic transformations, constant folding, or common subexpression elimination.
  • Inlining functions: The compiler can replace function calls with the function’s code to reduce the overhead of function calls.
  • Loop unrolling: The compiler can unroll loops to reduce the number of iterations and improve performance.


Consider the following code with a loop:

int main() {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        printf("%d ", i);
    return 0;

During optimization, the compiler can unroll the loop to produce the following code:

int main() {
    printf("%d ", 0);
    printf("%d ", 1);
    printf("%d ", 2);
    printf("%d ", 3);
    printf("%d ", 4);
    printf("%d ", 5);
    printf("%d ", 6);
    printf("%d ", 7);
    printf("%d ", 8);
    printf("%d ", 9);
    return 0;


During debugging, the programmer uses a debugger to identify and fix errors in the program. The debugger allows the programmer to:

  • Set breakpoints: Breakpoints are specific points in the program’s execution where the debugger will pause the program’s execution and allow the programmer to inspect its state.
  • Inspect variables: The debugger allows the programmer to inspect the values of variables at different points in the program’s execution.
  • Single-step through the program: The debugger allows the programmer to step through the program’s execution one instruction at a time, allowing them to see how the program executes.


Consider the following code with a logic error:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int a = 5;
    int b = 0;
    int c = a / b;
    printf("c = %d\n", c);
    return 0;

During debugging, the programmer can use a debugger to identify that the program crashes because of a divide-by-zero error. They can then fix the error by changing the value of ‘b‘ to a non-zero value.

In conclusion, the compilation process in C involves several steps, including preprocessing, compilation, assembly, linking, optimization, and debugging. Preprocessing, the preprocessor replaces macros and includes header files. At the time of compilation, the compiler generates assembly code from the source code. Assembly, the assembler converts the assembly code to object code. At the time of linking, the linker combines one or more object files to generate an executable file. At optimization, the compiler analyzes the code and makes changes to improve performance or reduce size. Finally, during debugging, the programmer uses a debugger to identify and fix errors in the program. Understanding the compilation process can help programmers write efficient and error-free code.

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